Friday, January 15, 2010

Geologist'S Duties

Geologists study the Earth's composition.

Geologists study the Earth and the Earth's history. It is a fascinating profession that can combine chemistry, physics and biology to put together the story of how the Earth came to be the way it is. They also study the composition of the Earth and its physical characteristics. Geologists play a part in public safety, studying volcanoes and faults in the Earth, to predict eruptions and earthquakes and to minimize their damage. Geology is a demanding science and generally requires and bachelor's degree, and sometimes more, in order to be employed. The annual salary for a geologist can range from $50,000 to $100,000.

Field Work

Field work is an important part of a geologist's job. It involves visiting sites to view and study stones, sediments, fossils and other geological artifacts to gather data that is later analyzed. From these analyses, geologists make a hypothesis about the origin of the materials they are studying or the potential that a volcano might erupt within a given period of time. Some sites are quite remote, and the travel to the site could be arduous. Geologists may spend many days or weeks at a time on site, sometimes sleeping in tents.


Many geologists work in private industry, for instance in the field of petroleum. Geologists study data gathered from holes bored deep inside the Earth and sonic data to try and determine where petroleum deposits might be found. A typical day could have a geologist in the field gathering data, in meetings with colleagues discussing what they have found or in their office analyzing data for their recommendations.


Some geologists are academics and work in schools or universities, teaching geology to students full time or combining teaching with other activities. At the university level professors are expected not only to teach but to continue their own research and publish academic papers. A geologist at a university might be preparing for classes in the morning, teaching in the afternoon, attending a departmental meeting after that and then working on their own projects and writing.

Tags: Geologists study, Geologists study Earth, study Earth