Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Online Science Activities That Teach About The Earth'S Land Formations & Water

The planet Earth has an epic physical history. As many of us learn in grade school, many of the land formations, lakes and rivers we know and love were formed by slow, geological and meteorological forces over a very long period of time. Others happened much more quickly, but still very slowly by the standards of a human lifetime. The internet is full of web sites offering online activities that teach students about Earth`s land and water formations.


There are many online quizzes capable of teaching students about Earth`s various land and water formations. They include questions such as `"What body of water is larger than a sea?" and "What do we call a piece of land that is surrounded on three sides by water?" The answers are "an ocean" and "a peninsula," respectively. Keep score of the number of correct answers students get so they know how well they are learning.


There are many worksheets available online providing students with the opportunity to add information they have learned about the Earth`s land formations and bodies of water. For example, in one worksheet, students are presented with a map of North America with a number of arrows pointing to various land formations. They are invited to fill in the names of the formations pointed at by the arrows. These include rivers, straits, peninsulas, islands, lakes and bays.


If the activity is for a classroom setting, ask students, either as individuals or as groups, to watch one or more of these videos for homework and take notes. Tell them that the following day they will have to present one or more of the topics covered in the video. Be sure to emphasize that they must take careful notes, as they will not know which subject they will be asked to speak on. Once the topics are delivered, give the students 30 or 40 minutes to prepare their answers.

Plate Tectonics

Earth`s land masses are determined by the slow movement of large tectonic plate over a long period of time. Long ago, they made a single land mass called Pangaea. The map of the Earth as we now know it will change as well. In fact, it is changing all the time, but too slowly for most people to notice. There are activities available online that allow students to manipulate the Earth`s tectonic plates. Pull apart plates and move them together. Watch what happens to the Earth when you do. If you are crafty, you may be able to create mountains, rivers and other land formations.

Tags: land formations, about Earth`s, Earth`s land, they will, about Earth`s land, available online, formations They