Wednesday, August 8, 2012

3d Landform Project For Third Grade

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous landforms in the world.

A massive volcano, jagged cliff, smooth valley and hill in your front yard are all physical features of the Earth's crust called landforms. A common school project is building a model landform using household items and then presenting it. The Earth has hundreds of landforms so you have many options when building a 3-D landform.

3-D Model Sets

Whether you want to build a volcano or waterfall, you can purchase several 3-D model sets that will help with your project. Although you need to consider whether your project's rules allow for the use of sets. These sets come with all the materials and directions you need to build the model. Sturdier models are a little pricier. Just because you're using a model set, however, doesn't mean it will be simple to assemble. Some projects can take several days to complete.

Making 3-D Landform from Scratch

Many student projects require that landforms be constructed from household items. Anything from paper clips and toothpicks, to paper mache and Styrofoam can be used to build a wide range of 3-D landforms. It's best to sketch out your landform on paper before deciding what materials you need to buy. You also have to buy bonding materials (such as glue, scotch tape and rubber bands) so you may have to go through some trial and error before you find what works best.

Making 3-D Landform With Food

It's common for food to be required when making these projects. If it's not required, then it's often an option. When planning a food project, decide whether you want to eat it or throw it away after it's completed. If you plan to eat it, you want to build your project the same day as the presentation. It's best to make your food project at least one time before you make it again for your presentation.

Maintaining and Transporting Project

The last thing you want to do is spend two weeks building a 5-foot-tall sculpture of the Grand Canyon only to realize you can't move it when it's done. Before you start building your landform, develop a plan to transport it. If you're using food for your project, refrigerate it if needed to keep it from spoiling.

Tags: your project, food project, Grand Canyon, household items, Making Landform, want build