Thursday, February 7, 2013

High School Level Science Topics

Exposure to science in high school may lead to a career path.

The teen years are a great time to learn about the different branches of science. Textbook studies are enhanced with field trips and lab experiments. Invite professionals in science careers to tell the class about their career. Assign groups of students to research science topics that are discussed in the news. Immersing them in the world of science will help them see it in every aspect of their lives.


Biology is the study of life in all forms.

Biology is the study of life and classification is one of its basic foundations. The plant and animal kingdoms are further categorized and classified according to type. Students learn about the smallest microcosm of life, the cell, in lab experiences. A high interest in biology could lead to a future in medicine, such as nursing or as a doctor or research biologist.


Geology is the study of the earth.

Geology is the study of the earth. Making topographical maps and creating clay models of canyons, mesas and buttes are great ways to dig deeper in the study of geology. A great field trip for this class could be a tour of a local cave. Rock formations can disclose much about the history of a geographical area. A student with a serious interest in geology may decide to pursue a career path in archeology or paleontology.


Chemistry is the study of the periodic table and the basic elements.

Chemistry is the time to learn about the chemical structures that exist in everything. Lab experiments help students relate textbook knowledge to real-life scientific events. Working with a lab partner is a great way to develop interpersonal work skills. Documenting lab experiments is a useful skill to learn for many careers. Students who really connect with chemistry may find that it is a catalyst for exploring careers in medicine, research and chemical engineering.


Astronomy studies are greatly enhanced by visits to a planetarium.

The study of the solar system, galaxies and universe is an expanding and changing field of study. New discoveries are being made as humans develop better technology for tracking changes in the solar system. Schools need to provide access to telescopes. Class trips to a planetarium would greatly enhance an astronomy curriculum. Tracking changes in the sky throughout the calendar year is a great way to learn about the changing environment and seasons. A student with high aspirations in astronomy may consider a future career in aerodynamics, physics, space travel and environmental sciences.

Tags: learn about, Biology study, Biology study life, career path, Geology study, Geology study earth, solar system