Monday, August 12, 2013

Interactive Math Games For Triangles

Manipulate and transform triangles in online games.

Interactive triangle games and puzzles are plentiful on the web, allowing players to solidify geometry skills while being distracted by play. Shape games such as tangrams and tessellations have become virtual, and triangular adaptations of traditional games such as dominoes have expanded educational opportunities for all online. Learn how triangles function, play with their transformations, solve unknown angles and play with virtual flashcards on the web.

Triangle Puzzles and Virtual Protractors provides a virtual protractor with its triangle problems.

Try to count all of the triangles within complex triangular figures, then enter your answers and receive tips and answers online. Play virtual Magic Triangle games where numbers are dragged to points of the triangle and all sides must have equal sums. has 10 angle games with many functions. In one game, players are given angle numbers, then prompted to drag lines to create the proper angle. A virtual protractor is provided onscreen to check work. Another game allows players to input the angle numbers, then they also drag the angle onscreen. Other games on this site give graphics of the angles, and players must name the angles' numeric measurements.

Three-Dimensional Triangles and a Tricky Coin Game

All ages can enjoy triangle games online.

Make three-dimensional platonic solids, including pyramids and other triangle-based objects, using free printable patterns at the Learner website. Different bases for pyramids, such as triangle, square or pentagon, yield different pyramid shapes while still utilizing triangular sides. Rearrange three coins in a triangle made of coins to make the triangle face the opposite direction with the Tricky Coin Triangle Game.

Triominoes, Tesselations and Tangrams

Learn more about geometry and the properties of triangles by playing games on the web.

Build congruent triangles from lines, differentiate between triangles and squares on a virtual pegboard, aka geoboard, or choose from a wide selection of colors and shapes to create mosaics of shapes. Play online tangrams, which gives players triangles and squares and then players combine the shapes to create objects using spatial math skills. Create triangular tessellations with color choices. Play a virtual game of triominoes, which are triangular dominoes with dots on three sides. Make triangular art with fractal art generators. Two games that prove the Pythagorean Theorem are also provided, along with Triangle Solver puzzles, which allow players to solve unknown sides and angles.

Audio Flashcards and Personalized Interactive Quizzes

Make virtual tessallations with triangles of all colors.

Quizlet has more than 400 virtual flashcard sets for the topic of triangles. Quizlet has worksheets that have audio components, and the virtual flashcards have several choices regarding the manner in which they are displayed. This site also allows users to create their own virtual flashcard sets. Each flashcard set comes with an online quiz and the choice of multiple choice, written answer, true or false or matching answers. Quizzes are graded online. The flashcards also have audio and speak the words on the cards.

Tags: angle numbers, angle numbers then, flashcard sets, games such, have audio, numbers then