Friday, October 18, 2013

Write A Survey Report

Write a Survey Report

Once you have conducted a survey, regardless of the subject matter, it is best to write a report that analyzes and explains the nature of the survey and its outcomes. The length of the report can vary. It depends on the depth of your project, your subject matter and the way you carried out your survey.


1. Analyze and organize your data. Before you can begin assembling your report, you will want to check your data for errors or inconsistencies. Make sure your data accurately reflects what the survey concluded. Look for any common themes or recurring points that shaped the nature of your survey conclusions.

2. Outline the purpose and hypothesis of performing your survey. In the introduction section of your report, detail why this survey was developed, who developed this survey and what outcome you or the survey developers expected. For the ease of the reader, you may want to add a one-page abstract that briefly outlines the purpose of the survey and touches on the information gained. This could even precede your formal introduction.

3. Define how the survey was performed. Fully describe how the survey sample was determined, any exclusions to the sample set, how you chose your survey takers and any other relevant information. Also define the chief researcher, how he was chosen and how the integrity of the survey was ensured.

4. Detail the nature of the survey questions and provide an explanation for each question on the survey. Do not simply list the survey's questions; explain each question in detail. Each section should require about two pages of explanation in length. Explain why each question was asked and what options, if any, were given to the survey takers. If possible, provide any statistical basis for including each question.

5. Provide any tables or illustrations that will help the reader better visualize the survey's outcomes. Gather your statistical information and organize this into a table or graph that can be visually understood by the reader.

6. Write a conclusion that sums up your findings. Address any major findings and describe what that could express about the sample set. Address any concerns you might have had about the findings or any changes you would recommend for a future survey on the same or similar subject matter. Offer hard or theoretical explanations for your outcomes.

Tags: each question, your survey, subject matter, your data, nature survey, survey outcomes, survey questions