Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oceanography Merit Badge Requirements

A Boy Scout researches the ocean to earn an oceanography merit badge.

The Boy Scouts of America organization offers more than 100 different merit badges covering arts, crafts, science, history, sports and business. You may work toward any of the available merit badges until you reach the age of 18. Some badges are required to attain the rank of Eagle Scout but most, including the oceanography merit badge, are optional.

Understand the Ocean

Demonstrate an understanding the scope, methods and value of oceanography to your merit badge counselor, who will expect you to name four branches of oceanography and explain at least five reasons why people should know about the oceans. You will also describe the chemistry, geology, topography, botany, zoology and microbiology of the ocean and discuss important interactions within the ocean's ecosystem with your merit badge counselor.

Define Terms and Concepts

Define, explain and in some cases articulate the differences between a lengthy list of oceanographic terms and concepts. Be prepared to define salinity, temperature and density specifically as properties of seawater. You'll also need to know the meaning of such terms as storm surge, tidal bore, tidal wave and tsunami, and be able to explain the differences between them. Lastly, you will need to be able to discuss properties of seawater that are important to the biology of the ocean, including ocean organisms like benthos and plankton.

Build a Model

The model-making requirement offers the most options of any requirement for the oceanography badge. You can choose to make and use a plankton net, build a model series illustrating the growth of a volcanic island, make a model of shoreline sedimentation that shows the influence of currents and tidal movement, or construct a wave generator to demonstrate reflection and refraction of waves. If you don't want to build a model you can track various changes to the water in a specific area for five consecutive days or monitor satellite images of an area with online imaging data for a period of three weeks. You will then discuss what you learned with your merit badge counselor.

Draw a Diagram

Prepare a diagram that shows underwater topography. It must include a continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, canyon, guyot, oceanic ridge, rift valley, seamount and trench. Include a note on the scale of the diagram, comparing the depth of the ocean to the height of mountains.

Written or Oral Report

Write a 500-word report on a book about oceanography or about your visit to an oceanographic research ship or institute. Alternately, you may prepare and deliver a five-minute speech titled either "Why Oceanography is Important" or "Career Opportunities in Oceanography." Make sure your merit badge counselor approves either your book choice or speech outline.

Tags: badge counselor, merit badge counselor, your merit, your merit badge, merit badge, merit badge, build model