Friday, March 29, 2013

Read Topographic Maps

Topographic Map of Crater Lake, Oregon A topographic map is a three-dimensional depiction (but usually in a two-dimensional presentation) of...

How Are Archipelagos Formed

About Archipelagos An archipelago is a group of islands, congregated in the same geographical area, that share a common origin. Archipelagos...

What Does It Take To Become A Geologic Oceanographer

Researching the ocean floor requires travel across and under the sea. Geological oceanographers explore and map out the ocean floor , using ...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Phases Of Earth'S Development

The Earth is in continual development. The history of the Earth tells the story of one planet. Its development sits within the story of the ...

What Are Crescentic Gouges

Crescentic gouges occur when glaciers move over a rock surface. Crescentic gouges are part of a larger geological phenomenon known as glacia...

What Are Five Examples Of Chemical Weathering

Over time, chemical weathering can dramatically change the Earth's landscape. It transforms rock chemically by changing its mineral make...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Take A Ph D Program In Geology

If you are interested in getting a Ph.D. in geology, there are some things that you should know. First, getting a Ph.D. is never easy. There...

What Are Continental Islands

We all know what an island is: a piece of land, surrounded by water, that's smaller than a continent. The United Nation's Law of the...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Type Of Information Do We Get From Fossils

Ancient animal and plant remains that turned to stone record the past. Fossils are the remains of living organisms or the evidence of their ...

America'S Best Engineering Schools

America is home to some of the world's top engineering schools. America's universities are consistently at or near the top of all wo...

Open A Rock Shop

Basic geology and mineralogy is helpful when opening a rock shop. Starting a rock shop is a natural business progression for the serious roc...

Monday, March 25, 2013

What Are Aerolite & Siderite Types Of

Craters on the moon, and on Earth, are created by meteor impacts. The terms aerolite and siderite describe types of meteorites. Meteorites a...

Lab Analyst Job Description

Lab Analyst at Work Laboratory analysts or laboratory technicians work in labs and analyze various substances. Here in the U.S. about two-th...

What Affects A Water Table

Pumping water from aquifers for use in irrigation can lower the water table. The groundwater table is the underground division line between ...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Top 10 Drilling Companies

Oil refinery. Drilling companies obtain the most accurate data and graphic representation of the geologic structure beneath the earth's ...

Types Of Weathering

Weathering alters the earth's surface by breaking down rocks into fragments, allowing particles to drift away. There are two main types ...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Study For Comprehensive Exams

Study for Comprehensive Exams What is a comprehensive exam? Simply a PhD degree's most stressful moment. At no other point in the PhD pr...

Make A Timeline In Microsoft Word

Even though programs like Adobe InDesign or Quark Xpress are among the best programs to use to create timelines, there is no reason why a pe...

Get Genogram Software Onto My Computer

Genogram software allows you to map your family's geology on your computer. This mapping becomes a visual representation of your family...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Weathering & Erosion Classroom Projects

Simulate weathering and erosion on dirty dishes. Weathering and erosion are natural phenomena responsible for occurrences such as land slide...

Obtain Altitude For My Address

People who live at high altitudes must adjust to lower atmospheric pressure. Altitude describes a location's elevation above or below se...

Grants For Geologic Mapping

Aerial photos can assist in geologic mapping. In the United States, the major source for funding grants for geologic mapping projects is th...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Positive Effects Of Weathering

Even nature's largest geographical footprints are susceptible to weathering. Weathering is an important process in which large pieces of...

Physics Research Grants

Physics research grants place priority on cutting edge research. In the broad field of physics, grants are available for everything from res...

Monday, March 18, 2013

How Do Tectonic Plates Affect Evolution

The constant movements of earth's continents have influenced evolution. If you were to take a map of the world, cut out all the continen...

Calculate Flood Frequency

A stream flooding its banks Flood frequency refers to how often a flood of a given size can be expected for a certain location. It can be r...

Dig For Gemstones Or Meteorites

Prospecting was once a huge business in the United States. In the Old West, gold diggers literally drove economies and sprung several citie...

Gems Of Tennessee

The Freshwater Pearl is the state gem of Tennessee Tennessee is home to a range of semi-precious stones, including the state gem the Freshwa...

Friday, March 15, 2013

What Is The World'S Ring Of Fire

The Ring of Fire is a series of active volcanoes located along the Pacific tectonic plate. The Ring of Fire refers to the series of active v...

What Is A Seismologist

Seismology is a branch of earth science which is concerned with earthquakes and other activity that occurs beneath the planet's surface....