Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ideas For A Rock Bulletin Board

There are three basic types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Students learn about rocks while studying Earth Science.

Create rock-themed bulletin boards that will enhance the classroom environment while teaching and reviewing important concepts about rocks.

Igneous Rocks

Volcanos form igneous rocks.

Igneous rocks, also known as volcanic rocks, are formed from volcanic eruptions. Create a bulletin board with a cut-out volcano. Include the major parts of the volcano, such as the cone, crater, conduit, and magma chamber, and an illustration of lava and ash erupting from the center.

Post actual photos of differently shaped volcanoes, as well the different types of volcanic rocks that they create.

Metamorphic Rocks

Example of a marble tile.

Metamorphic rocks can change form when exposed to higher temperatures or high pressure. They vary from igneous rocks because metamorphic rocks remain in a solid state whereas igneous rocks for from a molten state and then cool into a solid. According to the Open University, two of the most common metamorphic rocks are slate and marble.

Create a bulletin board that shows examples a map of where different marbles are found around the world, with photographs of the different types, or small samples when possible. Include information as to how marble and slate are used around the home.

Sedimentary Rocks

Photo of the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon is one of the best examples of rock formations because the Colorado River has carved a path through the different sedimentary rock layers.

Create a bulletin board featuring pictures of the Grand Canyon layers and point the different colors and rock types. Include information about the theories as to how the rocks were formed and during which era, and close-up pictures of some of the 40 identified rock layers.


Example of fossils.

Fossils are formed at different layers of the sediment, depending upon the age of the fossil and the type of specimen. According to Discovering Fossils, a fish fossil might be at a lower depth than a plant or other shells.

Create a bulletin board that shows the different layers of soil, and where fossils are commonly found in the layers. Consult a diagram available at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Include fossil pictures of both plants and animals. Make the bulletin board interactive by making the fossils detachable from the layers of soil.

Include photos of actual excavation sites and fossils, as well as tools used by archeologists to extract fossils.

Tags: Create bulletin, Create bulletin board, bulletin board, Grand Canyon, igneous rocks, about rocks, board that