Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Tools Are Used By Oceanographers

Oceanographers use a variety of tools to study marine life forms found under the ocean.

Oceanography is the study of the ocean and oceanographers are the scientists that engage in this field. These scientists collect samples of the life forms found in the ocean and bring them back above the water surface to study. The tools that oceanographers use must work well in seawater under high pressure.


One simple tool that oceanographers use is nets to collect samples of plant and animal life forms found in the ocean. The smaller nets work close to the water surface and the oceanographers can manually manipulate them. There are also large metal frames that carry multiple nets and a device that sends information back to a ship's laboratories. Oceanographers can study characteristics of the water column, such as depth and temperature, using these large nets.

Underwater Delving Computers

Oceanographers can send computers armed with a variety of instruments underwater in pressure cases. These computers adjust their buoyancy as they land on the ocean floor so as to protect the delicate instruments they carry and also to not disturb the ocean sediment. The computer inserts the instruments it carries into the ocean floor, with adequate protection from the seawater. The ship will return after a period of time to retrieve the computer and collect its input.


Another tool for oceanographers in their line of work is robots. Oceanographers lower these robots alone, or in a protective covering, into the depths of the ocean. The robots operate on a tether that insulate them from the ship's motion. The robot tool can explore underwater, taking pictures, using instruments, and collecting samples for a number of days. Oceanographers on board the ship can get input from the robot through television cameras. They can also control the robot using a fiber-optic cable. These tools are becoming more and more sophisticated.

Tags: forms found, life forms, life forms found, collect samples, forms found ocean