Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Interpret Schematics

A schematic operates like a blueprint to the system.

Schematic layouts show the elements of a system in a diagram, which enables a reader to interpret the correct layout of the circuit to help troubleshoot problems that occur. A schematic utilizes lines as well as symbols, which can be identified with the help of a key or by consulting a list of commonly used schematic symbols to clearly illustrate the layout. Learning to read schematics helps to understand how the circuit works.


1. Read the signal as passing from left to right across the diagram.

2. Learn that any point on a given line or branch has the same electrical current. Changes in current only occur after the lines meet a symbol, representing an item such as a resistor or capacitor.

3. Identify the grounding points as the symbols which consist of three horizontal lines with the widest on top and smallest on bottom, so they form a triangular shape.

4. Locate the labels on the shapes on the map and compare them with the schematic's key or the list of common symbols provided in the resources section to determine which type of item belongs at each point in the circuit.

5. Note the locations of resistors on the schematic, represented with two parallel lines. Resistors regulate the flow of current to prevent damage to the other elements in the circuit.

Tags: symbols which