Thursday, February 17, 2011

Earth Science Presentation Activities

Earth sciences examine changes on Earth.

Earth science focuses on the sciences and relates to planet Earth. Earth sciences often include the disciplines of geology, meteorology, oceanography and biology, which help students gain a better understanding of the environment. Earth science presentation activities provide information about a topic as well as hands-on analysis opportunities through experiments.


Geology is the study of the Earth and the way it is shaped or changed. Geology examines plate tectonics and the history of life on earth, including changes from natural hazards, climate changes and the environment. Geologic processes include the erosion of soil and the process of sedimentation. Earth science presentations may focus on fossils from prehistoric times and how their location can tell us about the disposition of the continents at the time of the death of the fossilized animals or plants. Make a map of the Mesasaurus and Lystrosaurus (See the Resources) fossil findings and and explain why it can prove the existence of super continent.


Meteorology is study of the atmosphere, which includes the study of the weather and forecasting. Meteorology presentations may focus on how tornadoes form, the different types of clouds or how a storm forms. Understanding weather can help students comprehend how wind, moisture, temperature, clouds, barometric pressure and other aspects of climate patterns create climate. Students should be given a meteorological map of their area at a specific time of the past. Students should then try to determine the kind of weather and how the weather evolved. The student should be shown what the weather was actually like and compare it it their findings.


The study of oceanography focuses on the depths of the oceans as well as life under the sea. Presentations on oceanography may include a study of the ocean floor with a model, demonstrating the temperature variations and depths. Oceanography presentations may also demonstrate how the ocean never freezes or show how salt in the ocean compares with freshwater systems. Students should create a graphic showing the layer of life from the surface to the deepest part of the sea. Student should then look at the food chain in the ocean and determine if the different layers are interdependent or independent.


Biology is a science that focuses on the life of organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin and development. The study of biology involves plant and animal life, from bacteria and viruses. Biology presentations may focus on how living organisms survive and the way in which they process energy to sustain life for their growth and development. Biology should introduce the structure of the cell and cell reproduction to gain an understanding of the continuation of life on Earth. Biology courses also introduce animal behavior, including the instincts of animals, learning, signaling and communication and other aspects of animal behavior. Students should create a map of the cell and its inner working down to the DNA and mitochondrias . Students should create a graph of what happens in the cell when it duplicate itself.

Tags: Students should, presentations focus, should create, Students should create, animal behavior