Monday, April 4, 2011

Make A Vector Map

A vector map helps you organize different pieces of data that you have collected about the earth.

A vector map presents different geological data of the earth in a single map. Vector maps are often designed by geological firms or companies that deal directly with the data. However, you can make a vector map online or offline if you have the information to put on it. You might also make a vector map using made-up data, simply to learn create the map.


1. Find or make up at least three different types of geological data for the earth such as temperature, elevation and water level. Get a blank map of the earth or a specific area of the earth. Choose a different format for each type of data such as different colors for temperature, different horizontal-line patterns for elevation, and different types of glitter for water level. Now color code your map according to your temperature data, draw line patterns according to your elevation data, and glue different types of glitter on the map according to your water-level data. This is a sample vector map.

2. Create a real vector map. Obtain at least three sets of data for the earth or a specific area of the earth. Choose three different ways to show your data. These can be the ways mentioned above or other ways entirely. Code the map according to your data so that all three types of information are available simply by looking at the vector map. Create a key to display with your map so that when someone looks at the map they can see at a glance what your data is.

3. Use an online vector map creator (see Resources.) You will need data to enter into the map creator. This can be real data or data you have made up, depending on the purpose of your vector map. Download the vector map creator by following the website instructions. Select an area you would like to map. Enter and label your data. Choose "Create Map" to create a vector map.

Tags: according your, your data, data earth, different types, area earth, area earth Choose