Friday, May 18, 2012

Make Lava For A Shield Volcano Model

Hardened lava flow from a shield volcano

A shield volcano, such as those that formed Hawaii, is built from lava flows. These create a broad and gently sloping dome shape. The violent eruption when vinegar and baking soda mix together is a good representation of a cone volcano, not a shield volcano. Create a slow-moving, gooey substance for the lava in a shield volcano model.


1. Mix 1 1/3 cups of warm water with the Borax in the measuring cup. Stir with a wooden spoon. Mix in 6 drops of red food coloring. Set aside.

2. Mix 1 1/2 cups of warm water with the 2 cups of glue in a mixing bowl. Use the wooden spoon to stir. Pour the solution from Step 1 into the bowl with the glue mixture.

3. Gently lift and turn the mixture repeatedly. Not all of the water will be absorbed by the new substance. Continue turning until approximately 2 tablespoons of water are left unabsorbed. Lift the final result up and allow the excess water to drip off. The substance will be sticky for a moment. Place in plastic bag for storage.

Tags: shield volcano, cups warm, cups warm water, volcano shield, volcano shield volcano, warm water