Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Science Fair Ideas Earth Science

Earth science fair projects may focus on any natural process on the planet earth.

Earth science, also known as geoscience, is the study of the planet earth. Because of a unique combination of temperature and available resources, geoscience has become an interesting case of planetary study, given the fact that earth is the only known planet to support life. The interactions between living ecosystems and the raw materials of rock, water and sun energy are encountered repeatedly throughout the study of geoscience. There are many options for science fair topics to explore within the earth sciences. From the early, molten stages of rock all the way to the self-replicating patterns of living things, earth science fair projects are a fun way to study the forces that shaped our modern world.

Volcano/Birth of the Earth

A volcano is the end result of a long struggle between surface rock and the underground pressures of molten rock. The explosive quality of volcanic eruptions is related to the tremendous increases in pressure underground, related to movement of the earth's tectonic plates. A great experiment to simulate this phenomenon is to mix vinegar with baking soda and dish soap inside of a closed bottle. The acid-based reaction between the vinegar and baking soda create a rapid rise in pressure within the closed space of the bottle that holds the solution. When the pressure is released through a crack in the cap, the fluid will escape the container in a fantastic, bubbly explosion. Add orange food coloring to create a lava-like effect.


To understand the force that created the Grand Canyon, you need only look at the movement of a steady stream of water over millions of years. An important physical process that contributes to the molding of the earth's surface is erosion, which is caused by the steady movement of water over a surface and the changes in rock morphology that result. The world is shaped by the flow of water. To demonstrate this phenomenon at a science fair, pour water over a mound of dirt or sand and observe changes in the structure of the mound. Explain that erosion is a constantly active process, occurring over thousands of years, that is capable of reshaping the earth according to the patterns of the water flow.

The Biosphere/Life

Earth scientists may specialize in the study of all life forms on the planet. Ranging from single-celled organisms to complex cultural interactions of humans and the earth, geoscience fair projects could focus on any effect living things have on the planet. The earth's atmospheric and chemical properties lead to the genesis of life; however, ultimately, life feeds back and exhibits countless interactions with the earth. A great science project on this topic could focus on the food chain in a local forest or body of water. Start at the bottom of the chain with the organisms that carry out photosynthesis, such as plants and algae, and ultimately end with the top predator, such as an eagle or large fish. The demonstration should focus on how energy, which originates from the sun, is passed through all organisms in the food chain. This project could be taken a step further by demonstrating how even the top predator ultimately dies, degrades and returns to the soil over time.

Fossils/The Study of Your Past

Scientists use fossils to study prehistoric life forms. A fossil is not the original organism, but rather an impression of the organism's remains. On a geological time scale, the organs and tissues of living things rapidly break down; fossils are actually just an impression of the original organism. This phenomenon can be simulated at a science fair using plaster of Paris on various biological samples, such as seashells. Plaster of Paris is an inexpensive powder which, when mixed with water, will undergo a chemical reaction and harden into a solid form. This mixture can be applied to the biological samples when soft, then allowed to harden so as to take a fossil-like impression of the sample. It may be helpful to apply a layer of petroleum jelly to the sample before coating it in the plaster of Paris; this will make it easier to remove the sample once the plaster has hardened.

Tags: science fair, fair projects, living things, planet earth, water over