Friday, February 6, 2009

Difference Between Geology & Geophysics

Geologists often take field trips to study rock formations.

Geology and geophysics both involve studying the earth and its properties, but geophysics serves as a way to enhance general knowledge about geology.


Geology is the study of the earth, the materials it is made from, the structure of those materials and the processes that have happened to them over time. Geologists often study objects that we use every day, such as oil and metals. They also study basic processes and the history of the earth to help us understand how it works.


Geophysics involves using physical theories and measurements to determine the earth's properties. A few popular branches of geophysics include meteorology, hydrology and physical oceanography.

Choosing One as a Career

Both fields require a bachelor's degree from a university or college to get entry level jobs. Most people who decide to study geology or geophysics continue their education until they get their master's or doctorate in their chosen concentration.

Tags: earth properties, Geologists often