Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What College Courses Are Required For A Neonatologist

A neonatologist is a medical doctor trained in the evaluation and care of newborn babies, especially those in urgent care situations. Neonatologists are required to have at least four years of medical school, three years of residency in pediatrics, and another three years of intensive care training with newborns. If you're interested in studying to become a neonatologist, there are several core college courses you will have to take before you advance to a medical school.


Anatomy is the study of the human body and human organs, their structure and how they work together. Every pre-med student must have a solid foundation in anatomy in order to know the function of every organ in the human body. Core subjects include cell structure, skeletal system, muscular system, endocrine system, blood, tissues and cellular metabolism and reproduction. Medical school students are also required to take a clinical gross anatomy course, which allows students to study and dissect an actual human body to gain information about the organs visible to the eye such as the heart or the kidney.


A course in pathology is a requirement for any pre-med student who wants to study pediatrics and specialize in neonatology. Pathology is the study of diseases, and pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. An introduction to pathology course at the pre-med level, gives students a working knowledge of how pathogens contribute to diseases, and gives a broad overview of human illnesses. Medical school students are also required to take courses in medical pathology, which provide comprehensive instruction in the mechanisms of disease and clinical manifestations of disease in organ systems.


Biology, the study of the structure, organization and evolution of living organisms, is one of the basic college courses required for entrance into any medical school. A biology course will cover subjects as diverse as cell biology, genetics, basic pharmacological principles, homeostasis, feedback, hormone receptors, immunology, nueronal signaling, cellular metabolic function and reproduction. Students in advanced programs will also have to take a course in molecular biology, the branch of biology specifically concentrating on the molecular basis of all biological activity such as protein synthesis, DNA replication and gene expression.


Chemistry, the study of the composition, properties and activities of organic and inorganic matter, is a basic college course required for anyone seeking to specialize in neonatology. Students will learn general chemistry principles such as bonding, molecular structure, thermodynamics, chemical reactivity and energetics. Students will also be required to take an organic chemistry course after learning the foundations of chemistry. Organic chemistry is a specialized branch of chemistry dealing with the structure, properties and reactions of carbon-containing matter.


Physics, the science involved with matter, space, energy and time, is often referred to as the foundation of all physical sciences including chemistry and geology. A physics course is a requirement for all pre-med students and will include education in quantum theory, electricity, magnetism, optics, kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanics.

Tags: also required, also required take, human body, required take, basic college, have take, Medical school