Friday, August 7, 2009

High Paying Oil Exploring Jobs

Drilling for oil.

Oil industry experts say that it is getting more and more difficult to find oil. They are having to drill deeper and go farther off shore to find the precious commodity. Because of this, it is taking more skill and expertise by the oil explorers to find it. There are many high-paying jobs available for those who are looking for a challenging career in the oil industry.


Geology is the study of physical matter, such as rock. People with college degrees in geology can be geologists, geophysicists or geoscientists. These are the people who study the earth's composition in search of underground oil. According to, the average salary for an entry-level petroleum geologist is over $70,000 per year.


There are several positions for engineers in the oil exploration industry. Drilling, production, and reservoir engineers are all career options. These people are responsible for the actual drilling of the wells and determining if a site is acceptable. They look at the drilling but are also responsible for determining the financial acceptability of a site. According to, the average starting salary for an entry level engineering position is about $55,000 per year.

Oilfield Consultant

An oilfield consultant is in charge of the entire oil-well drilling project. They are responsible for consulting with the engineers, geologists and general oil-well workers to get the well drilled safely, effectively and on time. They typically have over ten years of industry experience. It is a high-stress job but, according to, they can make over $1,000 per day while an oil-well drilling project is under way.

Directional Drillers

Frequently oil reserves are located in environmentally sensitive areas. This means an oil well cannot be put right above where the oil is because of the negative impact it would have on the area. That is where a directional driller comes in. These people, using highly sophisticated drilling equipment, can drill in many different directions besides just down. The advantage to this is that an oil well could be several miles away from where the actual oil reserve is located and not impact the sensitive area. Directional drillers are highly skilled in math and computer technology and usually an engineer by training. According to the average salary for directional drillers is over $250,000 per year.

Tags: These people, According Salary, According Salary average, average salary, drilling project, oil-well drilling