Monday, August 10, 2009

Snowflake Obsidian Information

Folklore suggests that gemstones like snowflake obsidian hold special meaning and embody emotions and expressions. According to Sobriety Stones, snowflake obsidian embodies honesty and truth, protects wearers from negative energies and gives wearers insight into themselves. Does this Spark an idea?


Snowflake obsidian gains its signature name from the gray crystals that form on the black stone. These gray crystals form in spots that resemble flakes of snow.


This unique gemstone is an igneous rock that forms when lava cools quickly. When this occurs, the lava turns into a black glass. The gray-white spots in the gemstone occur when the glass loses the common glass properties of shininess and transparency.


Because snowflake obsidian forms from quickly cooling lava, the best place to locate the gemstone is within areas of volcanic activity, present or in the past. In the United States, specimens of snowflake obsidian occur frequently along the West Coast and in the Black Rock Desert of Utah.

Tags: gray crystals, snowflake obsidian, snowflake obsidian