Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do I Need To Dig Up Oriental Lilies Before Winter

Oriental liles have heavily scented blooms.

Oriental lilies grow from bulbs and provide large, exotic, sweet-smelling blooms. Blossom colors range from white to crimson and petals appear spotted, brushed or edged with color. Grow Oriental lilies in well-draining, slightly acidic soil and protect them from afternoon sun. Does this Spark an idea?

Bulb Type

Oriental lilies have hardy bulbs, according to the City University of New York, and can remain in the ground all winter. Today's Oriental lilies are hardy hybrids of lilies that grew in the wilds of Europe, Asia and North America.


Even in a cold state such as Minnesota, lilies grow successfully with the right sun and soil conditions. The University of Minnesota Extension recommends placing 4 to 6 inches of loose mulch around newly planted bulbs to allow roots time to grow. Mulch protects frost-tender new shoots from early emergence if temperatures fluctuate between warm and cold. Remove mulch in spring, after the last killing frost. Mulch can also be used around established lily bulbs when good snow cover is unlikely.


Oriental lily bulbs do not go dormant and must be planted immediately after purchase. If they cannot be planted right away, keep the bulbs moist and store them in a refrigerator for a few days. Keep bulbs in a lightly moistened layer of peat moss or sawdust.

Tags: lilies grow, lily bulbs, Oriental lilies, Oriental lilies