Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Aquatic Fitness Careers

Exercising in water offers benefits to those of every fitness level.

Exercising in water is an excellent method for addressing specific fitness goals. Aquatic fitness training is ideal for the elderly, the obese, and those recovering from injuries. Aquatic exercise is also helpful for the extremely fit such as elite athletes and dancers. If you want a job helping people achieve their health and fitness goals and love spending your days in the water, consider a career in aquatic fitness.

Limited Mobility

Work with aquatic fitness is an option for those with a desire to help special populations with fitness and mobility. Working underwater is an excellent option for those who have limited mobility. You can teach aquatic exercise methods to the elderly, the obese or those recovering from injury. Physical therapists often have patients work underwater as the lack of gravity helps them build strength without putting stress on the joints. You can teach at gyms, health centers, community centers, or be a physical therapist or physical therapist's assistant.

Elite Athletes

Aquatic fitness is not only appropriate for those with limited mobility. Elite athletes and advanced dancers can reap benefits from working underwater. The presence of underwater challenges offers benefits to the muscles in different dimensions. Underwater ballet barre exercises are especially beneficial to classical ballet dancers. Many pre-professional dance training academies, such as the Atlantic Contemporary Ballet Theatre Performing Arts Academy, offer classes in underwater ballet barre. According to ballet instructor Phyllis Papa, "Training in the pool allows you to find correct positions without gripping your muscles."

Water Aerobics

Aerobics on land helps clients build stamina, cardiovascular health and lose weight. You can get certified in teaching aquatic aerobics and add to your client base. Aqua aerobics is an excellent choice for those of all fitness levels. Doing aerobics in the lower gravity environment of the pool offers the benefits of traditional aerobic exercise without putting stress and weight on the joints. For those concerned about joint injuries, water aerobics is a good alternative to traditional aerobics classes, jogging and running. Look on the United States Water Fitness Association website or the American Council of Exercise websites for information on getting certified in Aqua/Water aerobics.

Strength and Core Training

Another option for developing fitness in an aquatic environment is through strength training. Poolates is an exercise method that adapts Pilates method moves to the water. This is an option for Pilates professionals who want to offer extra challenges for their clients. You can teach group Poolates classes or spend some individual Pilates sessions in the pool. You can get certified in Poolates without a Pilates certification, though a thorough understanding of the Pilates method will prove helpful in teaching this method.

Tags: offers benefits, Aquatic fitness, aquatic fitness, ballet barre, elderly obese