Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Effects Of A Volcano Eruption

Effects of a Volcano Eruption

A volcano is a rupture in the Earth's crust located where tectonic plates are converging or diverging. There are several types of volcanic eruptions, each causing different effects. These include steam and gas eruptions, lava flows, debris flows and ash eruptions. Each of these are harmful to the environment in the way they affect humans and other biodiversity.

Heated Materials

The commonly-known threat a volcano can present is the flow of super-heated rock known as lava. This lava causes fires and will destroy everything in its path. The lava will cool and form new rock called basalt. Basalt is rich in minerals and elements and decays into rich, fertile soil. However, this does not occur on a regular basis. More often ash, pumice and pyroclastic flows are produced.

Side Effects

Small earthquakes will often accompany an eruption and are continuous during the eruption. If these occur under water, a tsunami can develop that will damage shore lines. Other effects of an eruption include mudflows, falling rocks, landslides and geysers.


Volcanoes have an intense impact on the stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere. Gases released from the eruption will convert sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid, which condenses in the stratosphere. This greenhouse gas traps heat in the atmosphere.

Surface Temperature

Volcanoes produce sulfate aerosols, which affect the surface temperature of the earth. Aerosols will reduce the earth's surface temperature by up to half a degree. This can last for one to three years.


A volcanic eruption promotes chemical reactions that alter chlorine and nitrogen. This is combined with chlorofluorocarbon pollution and generates chlorine monoxide, which destroys ozone.

Acid Rain

Hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride are released by volcanic activity and dissolved in water droplets in steam clouds. This creates an acid rain that will fall to the earth, harming plants, marine life and infrastructure.

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