Monday, November 12, 2012

10 Earth Science Careers

Planet Earth

If you are thinking of getting an earth science degree or you are already a major in earth science, it is important to know what you can do with your degree. It's never too early to start thinking about what you want to do once you graduate, and what you can expect from the jobs available in your field. There are several different types of jobs available in the earth science career world.


Hydrogeologists study subsurface waters. Hydrogeologists care about several aspects of subsurface water, such as distribution, circulation, physical properties, occurrence, movement, abundance and quality.


Perhaps you collected rocks when you were a child or have just always loved studying minerals. If the above statement is true, then mineralogy might be a career choice for you. Minerologists do exactly as their name suggests: study and do research pertaining to minerals.


If you love the ocean and want to live near it and spend a lot of time thinking about it, then becoming an oceanographer might be a good choice for you. Oceanographers study everything about the ocean such as chemicals, geologic dynamics, life forms, properties of the water and even the history of oceans.


If volcanoes fascinate you and do not scare you, then becoming a volcanologist is an option for you. Volcanologists study and research volcanoes, including predicting when the next eruptions will occur.


Seismologists study earthquakes, including how they form and their patterns. They interpret the structure of the earth through the study of earthquakes, and they predict earthquakes.


Petrologists study the origin, history and composition of rocks.

Environmental Geologist

If you are passionate about taking care of the earth and "going green," then becoming an environmental geologist is a good fit for you. Environmental geologists research whether there are any patterns or relationships in the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, and track humans' effects on the earth. These scientists study and develop solutions to problems such as waste management, pollution, natural disasters and global warming.


Paleontologists study fossils to learn about life in prehistoric times.

Soil Scientists

As the title suggests, soil scientists study soil and deal with agricultural issues and solutions.

Petroleum Scientist

Petroleum scientists search for and develop oil and natural gas resources.

Tags: then becoming, earth science, jobs available, scientists study, study earthquakes