Thursday, January 30, 2014

Compare The Virginia Company Colonies Using The Plymouth Colony

The colonies of Virginia and Massachusetts both started with voyages funded by companies. The very first colony in Virginia began at Jamestown in 1607. The Pilgrims began their colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.


The Virginia Company received a charter from King James I of England to determine a colony to be able to find gold deposits along with a water path to Asia. Plymouth colony began by several Christian Puritan Separatists, referred to as Pilgrims, to flee religious persecution in England.


The Virginia Company began an agent set up in 1619. The Virginia Company purchased the colonists to found one government for the whole colony of Virginia. The Pilgrims established a charter, the Mayflower Compact, around the ship sailing to The United States. The compact asserted that the colony wasn't susceptible to British law and could be ruled with a system decided through the male colonists.


In 1619, the colonists of Virginia exchanged food for slaves having a Nederlander trader. The slaves were initially used as indentured servants, but through the 1680s, Africans were utilised as slave labor. The Pilgrims were indentured servants towards the London Virginia Company, which funded their journey to The United States. Slavery didn't exist in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Tags: virginia, company, colonies, plymouth, colony, Virginia Company, colony Virginia, indentured servants, The United States