Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Become A Geotechnical Engineer

Become a Geotechnical Engineer

Geotechnical engineers work to assess the geological impact that a construction site's location will have on building materials and methods. Most geotechnical engineers are educated as civil engineers but specialize their knowledge through employment or graduate studies. You can follow a general path to become a geotechnical engineer.


1. Study civil or environmental engineering as a college undergraduate. Both of these concentrations will provide you with the education you need to become a geotechnical engineer, although environmental engineering would be more appropriate if your school offers it. Since many geotechnical engineers do consulting work, it may be to your advantage to minor in engineering management if it's available.

2. Look for undergraduate research opportunities. Many college professors help test new construction products and their strengths under various ecological stressors. These research opportunities will allow you to experience firsthand how a geotechnical engineer works.

3. Talk to local engineering firms about internships. Also, large construction companies often employ both geotechnical and civil engineers if they do not contract these positions through a consulting group. To get the most out of your internship, try to schedule it for the summer or spring, when the majority of construction and planning work happens.

4. Ask the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying about becoming a licensed engineer (see Resources below). You'll have to take several tests and also meet the requirements for job experience in order to get your license. Not all employers require that you have an engineering license, but if you plan to freelance, do consulting work or open your own business, you will need it.

5. Join a professional society like the American Society of Civil Engineers (see Resources below). A group like this will help you stay current on industry news and allow you to post your resume and view job openings around the country. This group does require that its members have professional licenses.

Tags: geotechnical engineer, Become Geotechnical Engineer, civil engineers, consulting work, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineers