Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Make A Cave Diorama

A cave

A diorama is a three-dimensional art form in which the artist creates a depiction of a themed scene. This can be a full scale (i.e., life sized) representation such as a wildlife diorama that includes taxidermied animals in a museum of natural history or a small or miniature version. Students can create a miniature cave diorama with features such as stalagmites and stalactites, using a shoebox and basic art materials.


1. Place an open shoebox (with no lid) on its side lengthwise (horizontally). Sketch a cave background on the interior of the shoebox, using a pencil. Include rock formations and cave dwelling animals such as bats on the back and water features on the bottom (floor).

2. Paint the interior of the box, using the tempera paints and a fine-bristled paintbrush. Distinguish specific rock formations and geologic features by mixing paint colors such a brown, yellow and white to form a variety of shades and hues.

3. Draw at least five stalagmites and stalactites onto the brown and tan construction paper, using a pencil.

4. Cut out the stalagmites and stalactites using scissors. Bend back the top to create a flap that can then be glued onto the top or the bottom of the shoebox.

5. Mold the modeling clay into different sized spheres to form rocks and boulders. Glue these to the bottom (floor) of the shoebox.

6. Drip glue down the construction paper stalactites and stalagmites. Sprinkle glitter over the glue to create a sparkling water effect.

Tags: stalagmites stalactites, bottom floor, cave diorama, construction paper, rock formations, stalactites using, stalagmites stalactites using