Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Write A Geotechnical Proposal

A geotechnical proposal is a written paper describing a plan of action for a particular set of problems. Geologists and environmental engineers perform site investigations to determine what technical services and products are required to get the job done. Geotechnical proposals usually include descriptions of the existing physical situation and a feasible course of action for remediation. Proposals should include costing and the amount of time expected to run the project. Evidence of staff expertise such as long standing service or professional licenses adds credibility with greater potential to win a bid for the work.


1. Prepare a proposal table of contents. List section titles of all components of the work to be done at the site. Include planning, costing, technical services, procedures and consultations. Give each section an appropriate identifying title and list subtitles where major production steps are shown. Include the page numbers where items can be found within the proposal.

2. Write an Introductory section to briefly define the project and the scope of the investigation. Define the apparent physical damage of the area and give a description of the site. Briefly tell how your team plans to access the problems and how you expect to conduct further investigations. Explain your plans to address site mitigation or remediation.

3. Provide a detailed account of your project plan. Describe the work, staff, consultants and equipment needed to accomplish each task.

4. Submit spreadsheets or similar data formats that approximate costs for the services that you plan to provide to accomplish the work at hand. Give a breakdown of prices for each type of worker, the consults, services and equipment. Show the expected number of hours that each part of the job will take. Include hours for research, document review, preparation and field work.

5. Provide documentation demonstrating the level of expertise of your staff and the consultants used on the project. List any awards, honors or recognitions that your company has achieved.

6. Create an index. Read through the proposal and make a list of all key words, concepts, titles, authors, investigators, data tables, figures and diagrams and other similar words of interest within the proposal.

7. Include a glossary of terms. Write an addendum listing scientific and technical terms, providing definitions relevant to their usage within the proposal.

Tags: within proposal, proposal Write, staff consultants, technical services, within proposal Write