Monday, June 20, 2011

Ideas Of A Bulletin Board With A Pattern For Welcome Back To School

Welcome students back to school with unsual classroom bulletin board ideas.

Welcome students back to school with brightly decorated bulletin boards that encourage them that they will have a great year. Instead of using boring backgrounds from butcher paper of one color, select backgrounds with patterns made from a variety of materials. Select patterns that lend a whimsical feel to the board, keep in mind that fabrics with larger patterns may work better since small details may look too "busy" at a distance.


Select a fabric that looks like autumn leaves, and title the board with the phrase "Fall Back into Schedule." Post the daily schedule, including classroom subjects, recess and lunch. For younger students list both the actual time and a visual of a time clock set to the time. Consider using a visual picture for each subject as well, such as a book for reading and a magnifying glass for science.

Wrapping Paper

Create a wallpaper-covered bulletin board with an adventure theme. Select a type of wrapping paper that looks adventurous, such as a western cowboy or space theme, and title the board something like "Welcome to the Adventure Zone." List some of the exciting things that the students will learn about in the coming year, and include pictures of visuals of the upcoming events. Older students who visit a classroom for specific subject may particularly like this type of board. A Physical Education classroom might list rules to a new sport. A foreign language classroom might list types of words that will be introduced, such as culinary terms or words about vacation locations.

Wall Paper

Help students orient themselves to the new classroom and learn classmate names by creating a bulletin board chart of the classroom and school yard. Cover the background of the bulletin board with apple themed wall paper, and then post a map of the classroom, as well as a map of the school. Interact with the bulletin board and point out important locations in the classroom, such as where the pencil sharpener or tissues are kept. For the map of the entire school, show student where they should line up at the end of recess, and where to find the school nurse's office.

Tags: board with, bulletin board, back school, back school with, bulletin board