Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Use Trade Books In Science Class

Select high-interest books to use in your science classroom.

Incorporating literature into your science class may seem improbable with everything else you are required to teach. However, using trade books in your science class enriches the learning experience for students. Trade books create meaning and increase student engagement in your class. As a result, students will participate more fully in your class and classroom disruptions will decrease. Trade books incorporated in your class also help support your English Language Learners students in both language acquisition and comprehension of science.


1. Select a book. Trade books cover a variety of topics, so seek out a book that aligns with your curriculum. Check the reading level. If the book is too difficult, students will become frustrated and lose interest. Also look for books with added features such as research notes and discussion topics, as these will provide you with more activity ideas.

2. Search Internet databases to find a variety of activities or lessons already designed for your book. Using search terms like "teaching....", "teaching materials for...." and "lessons for ...." will all assist you in your search. Teachers, publishers and authors often put materials online for free.

3. Have students read the book. Decide if reading the book will be in-class or outside reading.

4. Discuss the book. Gear all discussions to meet the needs of your teaching objectives.

5. Assess student learning. Using tests, projects or in-class debates allows you to assess student learning in regard to your objective and the trade book.

Tags: your class, your science, book Trade, books your, books your science