Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Influence Of Human Activities On Climate

Humans have been changing the planet's climate for centuries.

For years we have know that human activities has influence our the climate, creating a change in global surface temperatures. Documentaries such as "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore have become more popular have have allowed people to understand in common terms the effect of our actions on the Earth's health, and the possible long-term consequences of global warming. As a response, the number of "green" initiatives have risen and people are paying more attention to the three "R"s -- reduce, recycle and reuse -- in their day-to-day lives. However, many other human activities still impact our climate.

Greenhouse Gases

The industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries is believed to be the start of the mass-production of carbon dioxide, which has been causing the "Greenhouse Effect." As is reported in Enviro Business, "the verdict of the fourth assessment report on climate change just released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there is also very little contention that man contributes to the heating up of the Earth."

Industries Producing GHGs

There are four main industries that still contribute to the production of greenhouse gases: agriculture, deforestation, fossil fuels and industries, such as refrigeration and fire suspension, that still use chlorofluorocarbons. Some of the greenhouse gases produces by these industries occur naturally, such as is the case in agriculture where methane gas is simply produced by decomposing organic matter. Other, are artificially created in industries such as the ones dealing with the production chlorofluorocarbons.

Use of Cars

Another major concern to the climate is the production of carbon dioxide through the burning of gasoline in automobiles. The automative industry has been blamed for a long time as one of the major impacts on global warming, although the introduction of hybrid and electrical cars is beginning to reduce that effect. Many cities are promoting public transport and are making it easier for people to get around using bicycles. In large cities, especially during hot summer days, car pollution can been seen in the form of smog, which is dangerous to respiratory health.

Green Movement

The "Green Movement" is an initiative started by people who want to change things and ensure that we will have a healthy planet to live on for many generations to come. The focus of modern green activists is on creating renewable energy as well as focusing on efficiency, value and quality. They imagine redesigning civilization that follow these principles, which would bring a better quality of life and extend our stay on Earth.

Tags: carbon dioxide, global warming, Green Movement, greenhouse gases, human activities, industries such, that still