Thursday, July 2, 2009

Calculate Your Geologic Birthday

Your geologic birthday is based on the estimated age of the Earth.

You may be used to celebrating your birthday each year, but you may not be aware that you also have a geologic birthday. Your geologic birthday is tied to the approximate age of the planet. The Earth is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old. You can calculate your geologic birthday using this information, plus some basic mathematical calculations.


1. Divide 4,600,000,000 (the age of the earth) by 365 (the number of days in most years). The answer that you should get is 12,602,740. This will be the number of years counted for each day.

2. Add the total number of days in a year until your birthday, including Jan. 1 and the day of your birthday. For example if you were born on April 14, you would add 31 days for January, 28 days for February, 31 days for March and 14 days for April to get a total of 104 days.

3. Subtract your answer from Step 2 from 365. In this example, you would subtract 104 from 365 to get 261.

4. Multiply your answer from Step 1 by your answer from Step 3. In this example, you would multiply 261 by 12,602,740 to get 3,289,315,140.

5. Round your answer from Step 4 to the nearest million. In this example, you would round to 3,289,000,000.

6. Drop the last six zeros in your answer and add the term "MYA" (millions of years ago). In this example, you would write 3,289 MYA.

7. Correlate your answer to a chart outlining the various periods of the Earth's history (see Resources). In this example, 3,289 MYA would fall in the Archaean period.

Tags: your answer, example would, this example, this example would, answer from