Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Make A Volcano For School With Newspaper & Water

Creating a model volcano is one way to experience an eruption safely.

Volcanoes are hills or mountains that have been created over time by their own eruptive forces: lava, ash and dust. These geological wonders form around a vent that connects to the molten rock stored below the earth. Creating a model volcano is a school project often done in conjunction with lessons about geology. Paper-mâché paste makes it possible to form a volcano model easily out of household items including newspaper and water.


1. Center the plastic bottle on the cardboard. Use masking tape to secure the bottle to the cardboard.

2. Form a volcano shape around the bottle, using large pieces of crumpled newspaper. Run strips of masking tape over the crumpled newspaper, starting from the top of the bottle to the bottom of the newspaper, and securing ends at the cardboard.

3. Tear several other newspaper pages into small strips, about 5 inches by 2 inches. Put these strips into a pile.

4. Mix 1 1/2 parts water to 1 part flour in a bowl, to make a paste. Saturate a strip of newspaper in the paste, and run a finger over the strip to remove excess paste. Apply the strip to the volcano, smoothing it down with your fingers.

5. Repeat dipping the newspaper strips and applying them to the volcano, until the whole model has been covered in two layers of paper strips.

6. Let the volcano dry for about 24 hours.

7. Paint the volcano with acrylic paint, once it has completely dried.

Tags: bottle cardboard, Creating model, Creating model volcano, crumpled newspaper, masking tape, model volcano, newspaper strips