Monday, September 14, 2009

Ideas For Making A Model Map Of The Usa

A model map presents geographical information on a three-dimensional plane.

Model maps provide a perspective of our three-dimensional world by presenting topographical information in a three-dimensional space. Model maps of the United States utilize a variety of materials and techniques to represent various geological features such as mountains, lakes, streams and state boundaries. The size and scope of your model map project should be determined by your level of ability and the kinds of materials you have at your disposable.

Papier-mâch Map

Papier-mâch is a versatile material for creating three-dimensional models that depict varying degrees of elevation as well as distinct landmarks such as lakes or rivers. To create a papier-mâch map of the United States, first draw a sketch of the map you want to create onto a piece of paper. Then transfer just the basic outline onto a piece of sturdy wood such as particle board. In a large bowl, mix one part white craft glue to one part water. Iif you don't have glue, you can substitute one part flour. Using your sketch as a guide, place crumbled-up pieces of newspaper, pieces of carved foam or another malleable medium onto the map in strategic locations that will represent important landmarks such as mountain ranges. Then place single strips of newspaper dipped into the papier-mâch mixture onto and around your base molds. Continue to layer strips of papier-mâch until you base materials are disguised. To create uniformity, cover the entire map area with a single or double layer of papier-mâch . Add a final layer of white paper dipped in the mixture to prepare the surface for painting. Allow the form to dry overnight before painting with acrylic paint.

Edible Maps

Create a fun map model of the United States by experimenting with various edible model-making materials. One way to create an edible map model is to bake a box cake mix according to the package instructions in a 9 inch-by-13 inch pan. Once the cake has cooled, carve the cake so that it represents the basic shape of the United States border; saving the extra cake scraps so that you can add large peninsulas like Florida, as well as the distant states of Alaska and Hawaii. Frost the entire cake first before using black piping icing to mark off state boundaries. Crumble graham crackers to create mountain ranges and lay blue gummy worms to create major rivers. Create map labels out of toothpicks and sticky labels.

Another option is to create a 9 inch-by-13 inch tray of crispy rice treats. While warm, the rice treats can be hand molded. Excess treats can be shaped to look like mountains and you can use your fingers to create depressions to represent geological features like Death Valley or the Grand Canyon. Use black licorice stings to create state boundaries and miniature chocolate candies to mark capitols.

Living Map

Resources from the natural world can be used to create a unique three-dimensional map model of the United States. Paint a large sheet of particle board blue. Once dry, draw a basic outline of the United States. Use a permanent marker to designate locations you'd like to include. Consider including elements such as national forests, desert areas, mountain ranges and large lakes. Collect a variety of natural resources to represent each area. Sand makes a suitable desert, moss represents national forests and gravel stones can be added to represent mountain ranges. Use craft glue to secure the object to your sheet. Cover the entire interior of the map so that the blue background is only visible where oceans would be. To create lakes, use papier-mâch to create a mold in the correct shape. Wrap the mold securely in blue plastic wrap before gluing the mold in place. Once the map has reached its final destination, fill the mold with water.

Tags: United States, mountain ranges, state boundaries, basic outline, craft glue