Thursday, September 10, 2009

Major Responsibilities Of A Physical Oceanographer

Physical oceanographers study the physical characteristics of the motion of oceans.

Physical oceanographers study the movement of water in the ocean and how that water interacts with its surroundings. Physical oceanographers need a strong background in physics, fluid dynamics and mathematics. The major responsibilities of a physical oceanographer will vary depending on specialty and type of job. Oceanographers may focus on theory, observation or combine the two to understand why, where and how water moves and the consequences of these movements.


Physical oceanographers usually specialize in a particular area. Specialties include the study of water temperature and density, wave motions, tides and currents; the study of how the ocean's relationship to the atmosphere affects weather and climate; the study of how light and sound are transmitted through water and the study of how the ocean interacts with the sea floor and the coast.

Theoretical Oceanography

Some physical oceanographers are theoreticians who use computer models to answer questions and form hypotheses about the ocean. They use elaborate numerical simulations, analyze idealized model problems using modern mathematical methods and perform laboratory experiments. The movement of ocean water is an important part of the climate system, and one use of models is to help understand and predict weather and climate changes. Models may also attempt to predict ocean patterns for purposes such as underwater oil drilling.

Observational Oceanography

Observational physical oceanographers use high-tech instruments on board ships, attached to buoys, or mounted on aircraft or satellites to measure ocean properties such as temperature, sea surface height and velocity. The use of satellites in recent years has given oceanographers information about the large-scale movement of ocean water never before available. The many questions that oceanographers may attempt to answer include: How does the ocean affect climate change? Can rogue waves be predicted? What are the effects of tide patterns? How do currents affect coastal areas? How do winds affect currents and tides? What are the effects of ocean changes on marine life?


Many physical oceanographers work for university, government or other research facilities. Oil and gas extraction companies also employ physical oceanographers, as do consulting firms. Because of the connections between the physical properties of the ocean and the biology and chemistry of the ocean, physical oceanographers may work with other types of oceanographers: geological oceanographers, who study the sea floor; chemical oceanographers, who study the chemical composition and properties of seawater and biological oceanographers, who study ocean life.

Tags: oceanographers study, Physical oceanographers, physical oceanographers, study ocean, interacts with