Friday, June 15, 2012

School Grants For Geology

Individual universities, the oil industry and professional groups award school grants for geology to outstanding students and those in need of financial aid. Students who intend to pursue a career in one of the geological sciences qualify. Grants, available to both undergraduate and graduate students, cover research, field camp and general tuition.

Geological Society of America

The Geological Society of America awards research grants to graduate students in the geological sciences in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Central America. Applicants must be GSA members and enrolled in a North or Central American university. The Subaru Minority Student Scholarship Program awards undergraduate minority students pursuing a degree in each of the GSA regional sections. Three of the six GSA regions (northeastern, south central and southeastern) award scholarships to undergraduates. Division grants are awarded in specific disciplines like planetary geology, coal geology and geobiology.

Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute

The Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute awards scholarships to full-time junior and senior students pursuing a career in engineering or mining-related industries. The institute selects one student from each of the RMCMI states: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, North Dakota, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. Continuing scholarships renew on the recommendation of the dean of the college the student is attending. The program also awards one-year scholarships to students in technical or trade schools in the eight member states.

The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists

AEG awards scholarships to students in the fields of geology, environmental geology and hydrogeology. Grants awarded through the Marliave Scholarship Fund support outstanding seniors or graduate students in geological engineering. Undergraduate, masters and doctoral students qualify for Martin L. Stout Scholarships and Norman R. Tilford Field Scholarships. The Lemke Scholarship Fund awards students presenting a paper for the first time at an association meeting and Beardsley-Cooper funds pay for field camp tuition at accredited universities. Several AEG sections also award scholarships to students within their geographical areas.

University of Southern Indiana

The University of Southern Indiana awards eight scholarships to students demonstrating high levels of academic excellence. Applications, open to high school students applying to college for the first time, geology majors and earth-science teaching majors are reviewed by faculty. Five scholarships, given in honor of Walter F. Sill, go to students showing academic achievements in geology, to a student showing promise who wishes to study geology and to a student attending geology field camp. The Indiana Oil and Gas Association awards a scholarship to a student planning to work in the oil industry in Indiana. Two other scholarships award students planning to teach or to pursue environmental or business issues.

Tags: scholarships students, field camp, graduate students, award scholarships, awards scholarships