Monday, July 18, 2011

Ideas For A Middle School Science Classroom Setup

Visual models are helpful for retention of middle school science lessons.

In middle school young teenagers begin to explore science more deeply than in grade school. Lessons in physics, geology, biology, the use of the microscope to explore the world of amoebas and other microscopic organisms begins to take shape. Inquisitive minds are shaped to be analytical and to learn observe and record information. A middle school science classroom should be safe, but teachers can also set up a classroom to facilitate curiosity and to impress upon the mind of the student the lessons at hand.

Equipment and Tools

Hands-on experiments and activities are a prominent and memorable feature of middle school science.

The middle school science classroom should come set up with tools and supplies for hands-on experiments. A large percentage of the lessons taught should be active discovery through projects and chronicling conclusions from experiments. Some of the equipment and supplies that might be used are hand lenses, microscopes with prepared slides, a 50-foot clothesline rope to demonstrate the concept of the timeline in the history of the universe. Stock nature materials such as samples of different types of rocks, as well as hydrochloric acid and safety goggles for experiments. Classrooms should be set up with paper for scientific drawings as well as a good supply of colored pencils, in addition to standard classroom supplies. A teacher would want to have access to online resources and/or videos for education videos pertinent to the subjects being studied. Fossils are also an important concept to master in middle school science, and these should be presented in real-life forms that students can see for themselves and touch.

Posters and Pictures

Posters and pictures of such subjects as volcanoes, the Grand Canyon, famous scientists, the universe or solar system and pertinent quotes related to science, in addition to learning posters relevant to the current topic, help to create an atmosphere conducive to learning and anticipation.

Word Wall

A science word wall is a standard part of the requirements for science classrooms in many school systems. The word wall should be relevant to what the class is discussing. Some standard words to include from the beginning are words such as scientific method, problem, hypothesis, theory, fact, observations and conclusion. Students can make the words from poster board using magic marker and be creative in their designs.


A science library should be a part of the classroom. There are many good science books to choose from. The teacher should make his own collection of science books and select relevant books from the school library as might be permitted by the librarian. Though an emphasis on nonfiction will probably be most helpful, including some science fiction can help the students get a full grasp on the concept of science and science fiction, along with the many works that might be a mixture of the two. Biographies of luminaries such as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton or of such people who might be considered in science lessons such as Helen Keller, can be used as assigned or extra credit projects for book reports.

Tags: school science, middle school, middle school, middle school science, classroom should, middle school science, science books