Thursday, October 18, 2012

Drill A Water Well In Oklahoma

Oklahoma cattlemen rely on wells to provide water for livestock.

During the long, hot days of summer, many of Oklahoma's creeks, streams and rivers run dry. Farmers, ranchers and households depend on well water to provide for the needs of their crops, livestock and families. The Oklahoma Water Resource Board advises landowners on the rules and regulations regarding the drilling or reconditioning of water wells. The OWRB controls and issues permits for the use of ground and surface waters in Oklahoma. Domestic uses are exempt in Oklahoma. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Invasive willow tree roots seek out water.

Determine if you need a permit or license to drill a water well. If you are drilling a water well for commercial purposes you will likely need a permit. If the well is on your own property and is drilled to provide water for domestic use, a permit is not required.

2. Select the location to drill your well. Contact the Oklahoma Water Resource Board to determine the average depth of water wells in your immediate area. The OWRB provides maps of major Oklahoma aquifers, which can be downloaded from its website. Agency hydrologists are available to assist citizens in identifying well locations most likely to produce a productive and sustainable water well. Your well must be located 1,320 feet or more from any other authorized well owned by another landowner.

3. Engage the services of a licensed water well drilling contractor. Oklahoma has more than 350 licensed water well drilling and pump contractors. If you are drilling a shallow well (less than 200 feet), you may choose to drill it yourself. Operated by only one person, a portable hydra-drill can be purchased online or rented from home and building supply centers. The hydra-drill uses water from a garden hose to push a drill through clay and sand layers until the water table is reached. Casing, with a screen attached across the bottom, is run in the hole and the outside of the casing packed with pea-sized gravel. A down-hole pump is installed to lift the water as it enters the casing.

Tags: water well, water well drilling, well drilling, licensed water, licensed water well