Monday, October 1, 2012

Oil Rig Job Requirements

Oil rig job requirements vary from company to company

Entry-level oil rig jobs can vary depending on whether the job is onshore or offshore. The idea that every oil rig job only deals with drilling and extracting is misleading when there are numerous other jobs at an oil rig such as cooks, administration and construction workers. The annual pay for oil rig jobs are as diverse as the jobs themselves.

Health Requirements

Every company in the oil rig industry requires an individual to be in good health. This requirement is necessary because of the time away from communities or even land make first aid and emergency medical procedures difficult or impossible. Most oil companies will require an applicant to supply or take a physical ensuring they are healthy enough for the position being applied for. Oil companies also require an individual to take a controlled substance test to make sure there will be no problems with drugs while out in the field.


The educational level of an applicant depends primarily on the position being applied for. For example, a person applying for a job as a roughneck will not require any educational background where as a person applying for a geologist's job on an oil rig will be required to have a college degree in that field. Most oil companies require their applicants to have at least a high school diploma or equivalent before applying for any position.


One of the main requirements of an oil rig worker is being a dependable worker. This means showing up to duty on time, not taking excessive breaks or being lazy on the job. A good worker in the oil industry will be recognized and promoted more quickly because they can be counted on to be there and work hard.

Age and Ambition Requirements

All oil companies require that an oil rig worker be at least 18 years of age before applying for a position. According the Oil Rig Job website, the average age of an oil rig worker is 27 years old. Being ambitious is not a prequalification for working on an oil rig, but if a person want to advance in this industry it is helpful. Being a person who needs little direction and is looking to learn everything about his position is a valuable requirement out in the oil field or on an offshore oil rig.

Tags: applying position, before applying, before applying position, being applied, companies require, Most companies, person applying