Saturday, February 22, 2014

Plant Fuyu Trees

The Fuyu is a type of oriental persimmon tree that can be grown in warmer climates, USDA Zones 7 to 10. Fuyu persimmons are large, sweet and orange-red. Such persimmons are popular among homeowners because they don't require winter chilling and are very hardy. Fuyu persimmons are also relatively pest-free. Plant a Fuyu tree in your backyard for a reliable and healthy source of fresh persimmons.


1. Choose where to plant the Fuyu tree. Fuyus are hardy and don't require a specific type of soil. However, they do best in well-drained loam. Take into account that the Fuyu tree need full sun and can reach a height of 25 feet and 15 feet across.

2. Break apart the soil with the shovel and take out any large rocks, as these will obstruct the new tree's root growth. Amend the soil with an application of tree fertilizer, applying according to the specific instructions of the fertilizer manufacturer. You may purchase tree fertilizer from your local nursery of the garden department at a general retailer.

3. Test the soil with a pH test kit. Fuyus do best in soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. Because Fuyus are hardy, it is not necessary to adjust the soil unless the pH is much lower than 6.0. If needed, raise the pH and make the soil more alkaline by mixing in one pound of ground lime for every 28 square feet of soil to raise the levels by one point.

4. Dig a hole the size of the sapling's root ball. Place the Fuyu tree into the hole and fill in the sides of the hole with soil. Tap down gently and water. You may wish to apply a thin layer of mulch to conserve moisture.

Tips Warnings

Unlike many fruit trees, such as apples, Fuyu persimmon trees do not require more than one tree to cross-pollinate and produce fruit. If planting more than one Fuyu tree, space the trees 20 feet apart. Fuyu trees can be often be bought from a local fruit tree farm, a local landscaping nursery, or an online retailer (see Resources).

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