Saturday, February 22, 2014

Temporarily Repair A Plastic Denture

Plastic resin dentures can suffer breakage requiring repair.

The most common cause of denture breakage is related to poor fit, or dropping the denture against a hard surface. A poorly fit denture causes the jaw to place uneven pressure when biting. This can cause the material to snap. A temporary repair to a plastic denture can be made using a special repair kit; however, a dentist needs to be seen as soon as possible to make a permanent repair. Using temporary repair kits long term can damage the delicate tissues of the mouth, possibly causing tumors. Home glues, such as superglue, should never be used.


1. Dry the denture completely using the towel. Ensure all pieces of the denture are present (if they are not, the denture will not fit and a dentist should be contacted immediately). Place the dry pieces on a clean, dry surface.

2. Mix the repair powder and liquid from the dental repair kit slowly, avoiding letting the liquid touch your skin. Mix until a smooth, creamy texture is reached.

3. Apply the mixture to each broken edge of the denture using the wooden spatula.

4. Press the broken pieces together in their proper fit. Hold the pieces in place for five to eight minutes. Do not set them down.

5. Use the spatula to scrape away any excess repair material that may be pressed out of the cracks of the broken edge.

6. Place the repaired denture in a cup or dish of hot (not boiling) tap water for 10 minutes.

7. Try the denture on. If it is uncomfortable or does not fit, do not wear it and contact the dentist immediately.

Tips Warnings

If the denture slips during the adhesive process and becomes improperly sealed, soak it in rubbing alcohol for two to four hours. The adhesive material will become soft and can be removed to try again.

Repair kits are made for emergencies only. Long-term wear can cause bone loss and more aggravated oral tissues.

Acrylic liquid is extremely flammable, so any source of flame or spark should be avoided.

The acrylic liquid can harm skin. If the liquid comes in contact with your skin, stop the repair and run your skin under cold water.

Work in a well ventilated area to avoid harsh fumes.

Tags: repair, plastic, denture, your skin, broken edge, temporary repair

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