Monday, March 14, 2011

Make Volcanoes Out Of Flour

Make a volcano with flour.

Creating a volcano out of flour is a basic Earth science project that can be fun for adults and children. The flour creates a base for the volcanic eruption. You can form it into a dough for a hard surface or leave it as soft flour to capture the spitting effect of the eruption. Either way, the project can be a fun way to learn about natural events.



1. Inflate a balloon to the size of a softball. The larger you make the balloon, the more flour you will need, and the larger the volcano will be.

2. Put the balloon in a snug box, and bury it in flour. It should look like a white mountain.

3. Stab or cut the balloon with a knife or scissors. This will cause the air to release and blow out the flour like a spitting volcano. The structure will collapse and form a crater in the center of the flour mountain.


4. Mix flour, salt, oil and water until you have a stiff dough.

5. Fill a plastic bottle with food coloring and warm water. Place it in the middle of a sheet of aluminum foil.

6. Form the dough around the bottle to make it look like a volcano. Finish this before the water in the bottle is cool.

7. Turn off the bottle cap, and add dishwasher soap and baking soda. Gradually pour vinegar into the bottle for an eruption.

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