Saturday, March 8, 2014

Game Ideas For Poster Board

Game Ideas for Poster Board

Creating games with poster board is one way to engage children in an art project. Games can be made for a range of ages using poster boards and various craft materials. Developing poster board games that can be used as an educational tool is one idea to consider.

Spinning Wheel

Create a game using a spinning wheel where children will spin the wheel and, depending on where the arrow points, a child with her game piece in that area will answer a question or get to ask a question. Create cards for each colored section or based on particular concepts like favorite things or even a math question. Purchase different colored poster boards, along with construction paper, markers and any other craft supplies you think you may need. Place a spinning wheel or arrow in the center on a poster board.

Put On a Show

Another game idea using poster boards is making a puppet stage box for putting on a puppet show. One type of game that can be developed is to write an initial line for the script and then let each child add a new, improvised line to create a story.

Another approach is to use poster boards to create a series of giant cards with a hole cut out in the center of each. A child can hold the poster board that he has decorated in front of him to respond to specific questions, with each poster board corresponding to a specific type of question. For example, one poster board can be a decorated with letters, another can be covered with numbers and mathematical symbols.

Poster Board Boxes

Build various colored boxes out of poster board to create a series of grab boxes that children can pick cards or objects out of. The child who picks three of a kind or, in the case of letters or numbers being placed in the box, the child who completes a specific word first or math equation wins. The children must choose each time which box to grab from.

Tags: game, ideas, poster, board, poster board, poster boards, create series, each child, Game Ideas, Game Ideas Poster, Game Ideas Poster Board, Ideas Poster