Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Howto Ball Tub Faucet Repair

Single-handle bathtub faucet assemblies often have a metal ball mechanism inside that acts as the valve to let cold water, hot water or a mixture pass through to the faucet. This metal ball assembly consists of a metal ball and post, along with rubber seals and seats and small metal springs. Take the ball assembly to the store to assure you get the right replacement parts.


1. Turn off the water going to the tub by closing the main water valve in the house. Turn off the water just to the bathtub by turning both water shutoff valves in the access panel on the wall behind the tub's plumbing, if an access panel is available.

2. Pry up the edge of the decorative cap in the middle of the tub's handle, using a knife. Remove the screw holding the handle to the assembly and pull the handle toward you to remove it.

3. Remove the large nut sitting on the top of the faucet handle assembly, using a wrench. Do not apply too much force to the nut or you could damage the assembly.

4. Pull out the metal ball assembly, rubber seats, seals and springs inside the handle assembly. Remove the old seals, seats and springs and apply plumber's grease to the replacements from the parts kit.

5. Replace the parts of the ball assembly the way they were configured before. Tighten the nut back into place, slide the handle back onto the assembly and tighten the screw to secure the handle in place. Replace the decorative cap and turn the water back on.