Saturday, March 8, 2014

Make Scent By Boiling Pine Needles

Make scent by boiling pine needles on the stove top.

Not only is the strong scent of pine a festive, winter smell, but the scent of pine is also synonymous with clean for many people. When you want to fill your home with pine and have the rich scent wafting through your entire house, boil pine needles in water on the stove top. You can choose to boil only pine needles for a robust, pure pine scent or you can add other ingredients to complement the smell of pine.


1. Gather fresh pine needles directly from a pine tree to ensure optimal freshness. Select only green pine needles and avoid brown needles. Collect the pine needles in a bowl until you have approximately 2 cups of needles.

2. Fill the saucepan approximately halfway with water. Set the pan on the stove top and boil the water.

3. Break up the pine needles slightly as you add them to the boiling water. Breaking the needles into halves or thirds is sufficient.

4. Allow the needles to boil in the water for two minutes and then reduce the heat to low.

5. Add additional water to the saucepan when the water boils down below the pine needles. Keep the water simmering above the pine needles at all times. Simmer the pine needles for several hours to fill your home with pine scent.

Tips Warnings

Consider adding additional ingredients to the pine needles in the water if you desire. Fresh orange peels, star anise, cinnamon sticks and bay leaves would all be suitable ingredients that complement pine needles in a potpourri. Add one additional ingredient or any combination of ingredients to create a special scent.

Tags: make, scent, boiling, pine, needles, pine needles, boil water, fill your, fill your home, fill your home with